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How to use DC Headers of MMIC Power Amplifier

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all,

I'm a beginner at microwave electronics and I need to use this power amplifier to increase the power of an oscillator I have already previously built. I know how to use the SMA connectors but I am confused on how to connect a single supply of 5V to the board.
I see these DC headers but there are 14 pins and I don't know what to connect them to.

The board I am using is the HMC408

Could anyone provide some insight on this?

Many thanks

The functions of each pin can be deduced from the HMC408 datasheet, by looking at the schematic/layout of the test board.

The row of pins near the board edge are all ground. The other row of pins can all be tied directly to the same 5V source for normal operation. If you want to manipulate the Vpd pin, then drive that pin with a separate source.

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