Differentially-Fed Rectifier
Hi !
I'm trying to re simulate the Deferentially-Fed rectifier proposed in http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/sta...number=7096951
"an enhanced rectenna using differentially-fed rectifier for wireless power transmission"
I need to find the RF-DC conversion efficiency but i do not know what the equation is.
I have simulated the single-fed rectifier and gotten correct results but i do not know how to manage having two P_1tone's. What would the input power be in this case?
Thanks in advance
P_PROBE is a ground referenced power probe. It can't measure DC output power in this circuit.
Simply add another P_Probe to opposite side of load resistor, if you would like to measure power delivered to load by P_Probe.
thank you for your reply.
How can i measure the DC power output then ?
Hi! if i add another P_probe on the opposite side of the load, do i keep P_probe1? and what would my efficiency equation be?
Of course, yes.
I assume P_probe added is "P_probe4".
Pin = P_probe2[1] + P_probe3[1] or Pin = sum(P_probe2) + sum(P_probe3)
Pout = P_probe1[0] + P_probe4[0] or Pout = Rload * real(Iload[0])**2
Eff = Pout/Pin
See https://www.edaboard.com/showthread.php?t=354542