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diffrent results in hfss feko and cst

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:

Hope everybody are good.

Please find attached full question with diagrams.Question.pdfQuestion.pdf

A coax-fed patch antenna with dimensions given in table below, is simulated in HFSS, CST and FEKO

It is seen that:

The results of the CST software in the case of

- The phase Z component of the electric field on the line parallel to y axis
The results of the FEKO software in the case of

- The magnitude of X component of the electric field on the line parallel to y axis
- The phase of X component of the electric field on the line parallel to y axis
- The phase of Z component of the electric field on the line parallel to y axis
- The phase of Z component of the electric field on the line parallel to x axis

The results of the HFSS software in the case of

- The phase of X component of the electric field on the line parallel to y axis
- The phase of Z component of the electric field on the line parallel to y axis

are completely different from the results of the two other softwares (despite partial similarity of the field
behavior in other cases).

The question is why it is such different.

Have you checked local mesh density in the area where you sample the fields?

Thank you for your reply.
yes we checked that and also we checked for different meshes and we got same results again.


To me, the spikes in the fields looked like an artefact from insuffient mesh density in the probed region.

上一篇:Transmission zero in ADS

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