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Touch Controller Sensivity Adjustment

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
HI all,
i am trying to make touch keypad using MTCH108 Capacitive Touch controller.
I have build the circuit, but the issue what i am facing is some of the pads shows less sensitivity than others. in total i have 10 touch pads, so i have used MTCH108 and MTCH102 to interfacing 10 touch pads.
and i have buttons from 0 to 9. 0 and 1 are interfaced to MTCH102 and 2 to 9 are interfaced to MTCH108. i am facing a problem in pad 6. the Sensitivity of pad 6 is quite low as compared to other pads from 2 to 9 as they all are connected to same IC MTCH108. can anybody please let me know what can be the issue.

Here is my attached image of touch pad PCB.


A riddle.

We don't see your circuit, nor do you tell whether you read the datasheet, especially the section "sensitivity adjustment".
We don't know which of these schemes you use.
We don't know wheter you have read and followed these application notes:
* ?mTouch? Sensing Solution Acquisition Methods Capacitive Voltage Divider? (AN1478)
* ?Techniques for Robust Touch Sensing Design? (AN1334).


Added: now we see the circuit..
But: I see 12 touch pads..

Pad6: shows lengthy wiring, crossing at least 5 other sensor pads.....

Yes, i have gone through the datasheet and also the application notes before designing.
But yes i agree... the trace length of pad 6 is quite long, which created a problem.
i have shorten the pad length and the things are working great.
thanks a lot for your help'

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