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Selection of Zeros of S11(s)

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
We can determine S11(s) from S21(s).

S11(s)*S11(-s) = 1 - S21(s)*S21(-s)
Zin(s) = {1 + S11(s)} / {1 - S11(s)} or
Zin(s) = {1 - S11(s)} / {1 + S11(s)}

Here two options exist for S11(s).
(1) Choose Zeros <= 0.0
(2) Choose Zeros >= 0.0

Usually I choose (1), since (1) is Minimum Phase System.
However both are surely feasible.

Actually, if I realize Zin(s) by T-Toplogy LC Ladder circuit, (1) and (2) are simply reverse each other.

# Zeros <= 0.0
L1 = 2.25822
C2 = 1.11103
L3 = 0.804011
C4 = 0.507241
L5 = 0.174319
R5 = 1

# Zeros >= 0.0
L1 = 0.174319
C2 = 0.507241
L3 = 0.804011
C4 = 1.11103
L5 = 2.25822
R5 = 1
How can I interpret selection of zeros of S11 ?

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