need ways to access the isolation effects of GND vias in PCB layout
Not sure what your problem is. You can "access" the effect with an EM simulation, which is of course fully quantitative. Or derive simplified models that describe relevant parts of the problem. E.g. model the capacitive coupling by microstrip structures, with or without ground fence in the middle. There are useful approximations for parallel microstrp traces that can be applied in this case.
Yes, this is an easy task for EM simulation to calculate the coupling with via fence.
many thanks,FvM. As you said, I want to model the coupling and derive the coupling coefficient. Could you please tell me one approximation analysis, not limited to parallel line? thank you again
thank you very much, volker@muehlhaus. If use EM simulation, the s parameters can be easily obtained. what about the coupling coefficient? how to simulate to get it?
You seem to misunderstand RF concepts. Coupling coefficient is a low frequency concept for inductors. The coupling of lines is more complex than that, it has both inductive and capacitive coupling.
S-parameters for coupling between the lines are easily obtained from EM simulation. This is what we need for RF use. If line 1 has ports 1 and 2, and line 2 has ports 3 and 4, you want to look at S31 and S41.
You can also derive an equivalent circuit model k factor from [S], but that has a meaning only at low frequency where you can treat this layout as simple coupled inductors.