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Ansys HFSS unexpected internal software error

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all,
I am trying to simulate a Vivaldi antenna and I keep getting the following error:

HFSSDesign1 (DrivenTerminal)
[error] Definition Mesh, process mesh3d : Unexpected internal software error code -1073741819 with module id 0. (11:33:46 AM Jun 02, 2016)
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (11:33:46 AM Jun 02, 2016).

Do you guys have any idea what it means? I have uploaded the file as an attachment.

Thanks in anticipation

Hi Iktech,

The simulation runs fine for me, solving the adaptive passes and performing the frequency sweep. You may be low on memory/disk space.

Thanks PlanarMetamaterials for the prompt reply but any suggestions on how to tweak the meshing to reduce memory requirements?

Not really. I don't think it should be a very demanding simulation, a few Gb at most. Does it do any adaptive passes at all for you?

Hi PlanarMetamaterials, I have been able to isolate the problem. The error occurs when I try to use PML boundary with classic meshing but the simulation works with TAU meshing. However, I read some where that classic meshing should be used when the model contains thin surfaces hence, I am suspicious of the results obtained with TAU meshing.

I doubt it would make much of a difference, but you could always check by using volumetric conductors. It shouldn't impact simulation time much.

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