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Using parameters computed by hfss's calculator

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:

I added a new expression to the calculator - the x componnent of j surface upon a torus(thats a part of my structure),
After analysis, i went to Results -> Create field report ->Rectangular report

I expected that under category ->Calculator expressions, my new expression will show up,
but he didn't.

I wonder why, and how can i fix this?

thanks a lot !

It should be there your approach is very right issues could be
1. Make sure to save the expression in Calculator.
2. There may be some issue with the expression means it may not be defined properly.
3. Use Eval command of calculator to check what it returns
4. After that try to plot your expression

Lets make it even more simple:

I add a pic, that shows my attempt to add an expression of H field on a torus.

I went to Quantity ->H, then Geometry -> Surface->torus .

When i tried to compute i recived that error message.

My goal is to save H field on that torus as an expression, and then to plot a graph with it.

Well I was expecting this thing.
This error message means that you did not define the function properly since there is error in the definition so HFSS calculator is not able to calculate the desired function so it is not appearing in the plots when you try to plot it.
So follow the same steps but try to see if function which you are trying to define with calculator is mathematically correct. Just look in the way that there are few scalers few vectors few surfaces few volumes now you can not perform simple arithmetic on these if you want o add surface with volume or if you try to take volume integral of scaler

I solved it,
after you enter the data to the command line, you should not press evaluate,
but go to create field report and then you can select the desired geometry (line, etc).
so effectively you dont have to save it as a new expression !
edit: you dont even have to enter the data to the command line.

Ok nice that you have done it but you can select the geometry while remaining in HFSS calculator and then you will be enable to save it as well as plot it. Since you have solved your issue so follow the way you discovered All the best

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