warning in hfss design simulation
1) Too many conductors touch lumped port '1'. Consider splitting the port into multiple lumped ports
can anyone pls help me to solve this..
can anyone pls help me to solve this..
Definition of port rather its placement is not correct may be your model consists of more than one conductor so if possible add them to make it a single one. What is the structure you are trying to feed with port? Explain a bit to have more better comment.
If it is just warning then you can live with it as simulation will run.
I had designed a stacked patch and i apply a cpw feed then it will touch the 1 or more conductors.
i had an another problem that i didnt get the s11 graph not below -10db.
i will attach my file for your suggestionhttp://http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7360136/
see this paper and say me any suggestion its my final year project.