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Problem with Cst Microwave Studio

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all,

I'm trying to save data (ascii export) in order to use them in a Matlab Script.

The problem is that CST has a limitation of 30 data that I can save, but i need 100 of them.

Thanks for the attention.

Best regards,


What you mean by 30 data limit?
Explain a bit your issue

Hi all,

I created an array of 100 E-probes. I need to export the Abs, X, Y, Z components for my Matlab code.

I wrote this Macro:

Option Explicit

Sub ParameterSweepWatch(action As Integer)
	 Dim counter 		As Integer
 		 Dim filename  		As String
  		 Dim endfile 		As String
  		 Dim strwert   		As String	 Dim wertdouble     As Double
	strwert 	= CStr(wertdouble)	filename  	= "Documenti\File-"	endfile 	= ".txt"
	SelectTreeItem ("1D Results\Probes\E-Field")
	With ASCIIExport

    	.Reset	.Execute
	End With

End Sub

Sub Main()

  ParameterSweepWatch 0
  ParameterSweepWatch 1
  ParameterSweepWatch 2

End Sub
When I run the code, Cst generates only a txt file with some E- Field information, 20 if I'm not wrong.

If i select one of that probes:

SelectTreeItem ("1D Results\Probes\E-Field\my_probe00(Abs)[1]")

I have no results, in particular an error in ".Execute".

Thanks for your attention.

Best regards,


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