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choosing thickness of copper coating when not mentionned inside ieee article

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:

I would like to know which thickness I should apply when they don't mention it inside an article. I want to design an antenna of some ieee article . They said that the substrate top side is a copper coating also acts as the ground plane for the open microstrip line (feed) which is etched on the opposite side of the substrate but hey didn't mention the thickness of the copper coating. I am wondering how much should I take for that thickness?

thank you

Copper plating thickness usually doesn't matter much for RF PCB, because the skin depth isn't larger than a few μm. Plating roughness is much more important.

Calculate the skin depth - Make the copper thickness atleast 4 times the skin depth.

35um (1 Oz) copper thickness should be a good starting point.

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