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How i can applied a lumped port on coaxial cable at HFSS?

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
i designed an array of patch antenna with coaxial fed, and defined it as wave port, but i need put it in a radiation box so i need defined is as lumped port , how i can do that ? i'm not perfect in hfss program can any body help me please ?

Hi hanadi_alsalti,

Usually what I do in such cases is integrate the lumped port into the ground plane. Subtract a hole out of the ground plane at your feed location, and put a circular sheet there which your lumped port is assigned to. Extend a conductor up through the dielectric to model the pin, and the outer edge of the port should be the ground plane.

Good Luck!

Could you clarify where the circular sheet (to which the lumped port is assigned) is placed with respect to the patch-antenna structure?

Wave port can also be used in a radiation box. You just need to add a PEC port cap to it.

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