首页 > 研发问答 > 微波和射频技术 > 电磁仿真讨论 > Adaptive passes did not converge

Adaptive passes did not converge

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
adaptive passes did not converge based on specified criteria
showing this while running the analyze all option

help me to solve the error

What software are you using?
what are you analyzing?

you need to provide information so someone familiar with your software,
or your type of issue can respond

the better the information you provide, the better the response

The error probably lies in specifying too many things that
have a zero probability of coinciding. Although plain ol'
convergence failures can also break a poorly-trapped
optimization algorithm.

Is this the kind of software that pretends it can replace
experienced circuit designers with freshers and a fat
license fee? If so, glad it continues to fail to impress.

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