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Greber file generation in CST

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
Dear all
I had design a co-planer SRR array in CST, I am facing some problem while generating greber file.
I generated greber file by following method:
Import/export-----> 2D files ------->Greber(Single layer)
after that cst mark the boundary of substrate and upon clicking ok cst generate greber file which just have a rectangular substrate layer and did not show conducting layer (Split rings )
How can İ generate greber file which should contain contacting layer. Design is attached.


I think that in CST, you are generating Gerber data from the motive laying in xy plane (z=0). You can alternatively use a local coordinate system and align the uv plane, so that it "cuts" your motive parallel to the xy plane.

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