fixing a patch antenna
I am trying to learn how to use HFSS, specifically the Eigenmode Solver. I am trying to find the resonant frequency of a microstrip patch antenna. How can I do so? I drew the patch, substrate, and ground. What do I need to do next? Any help will be great.
Thank you,
Maybe you should use Driven Terminal or Modal solution. Draw patch, substrate, ground. Then feed the patch using microstrip line or coax. Draw the air box around your structure, the walls should be quarter wavelength far from your structure and add radiation boundary to it. Solve the problem with some frequency sweep in which you expect resonance frequency. Check the S11 parameter results to find the resonance frequency.
If S11 can not response the resonance frequency point(s) correctly in the frequency range ,or there is not a clear points ,what should we do ?
I think that we should predict the resonance point according the fix'es character .
Thanks !
Hi all,
for a simple p@tch antenna, you can either use formulas from books to derive dimensions of p@tch or if you have @nsoft designer, you can use the estimate function to estimate the dimensions. In that way, your s11 will never to out of freq range. Then u can play around with the p@tch after u got the basic resonant structure ;)