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aperture coupled antenna simulation?

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:
who has some study codes for simulation of the aperture coupled microstrip antenna or array? can u share it?

U can try commercial softwares as Ensemble 8.0, CST or HFSS for more complex structures.
For what concerns a code about array, I am finishing of writing one.. but in the last period I have no time off so, at the moment, I can not help u.
Are u involved in array code writing?


if you are looking for non-comercial code you'll find google your friend :>

Thank u.
Hi Lupin,
are u working the code for microstrip antenna array?
can I talk with u for some questions? I am a newer in this field and can u give me just one element code for an aperture coupled microstrip antenna?
Thank u again.

I am wprking on a code about array in general.
However I also have heritage about slot coupled patch array.
If u have questions, i hope I can help u.


Thank you for all.
what method you use?
once the currents of the patch, aperture and feedline have been obtained,
how to calculate the input impedance of the antenna, can u help me?
thank u.

Do u use some code or r u working by yourself?
On internet u can find some free code by Pozar about aperture-coupled patch and so on...
To calculate Input Impedance is quite hard by yourself, u have to solve MPIE equation fro example...the best is using a code like Ensemble, HFSS, Serenade, CST.. it's on you.


I want to make a code by myself, but it is hard, so I need to find some study code on web. by the way, thank u very much.

U have to read some article before, ut's very hard.. I can suggest u to begin with simple structures such as monolayer patch antenna. I remember that one friend of mine was writing a code about it. If you want you can discuss with him. Are u at the beginning aren't u?


Thank you.
yes, I am a newer for it.
I have read many papers and done some works for other feed mode of the microstrip antenna. Now I wish to do an aperture coupled feed model, by now I feel that the trouble for me is how to add a proper excitation for a aperture coulpled microstrip and how to calculate the impedance? I use the mom for it. what r u used? can you help me and give me some advice?

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