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rectangle antenna

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:
Dear all,
being a C/S/T user I have designed a microstrip antenna that I wish to implement in a cylinder, so I have to redesign and resimulate the whole thing. Having no special experience in CAD design I would like to know if anyone has done that before or knows a simple way to turn a design from planar to conformal without of course changing the dimensions..just bending.
Thanks in advance!

Hi vagee,

I assume u already has the planar form of the antenna all resonating nicely at the required frequency and that the cylinder diameter is >> the antenna dimensions. The next step, draw ur cylinder below or on top of ur planar structure. Make a copy of ur cylinder. Shell one of your cylinder to the required antenna height. Extrude ur planar structure so they intercept with the shelled cylinder. Use Boolean intercept and u get a curved structure with similar thickness and curvature to the cylinder.

Hope this helps.


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