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MWS 3D field file format?

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:
Does anyone know the format of the 3D field files that MWS use? Is it possible to plot these files in other programs?

Yes, for example SAT is common 3D file format and many CADs uses it

do you have any information about the .m3d file format? It is not easy to modify these plots.

After some checking I found that you can export the 3D field files, like electric field or magnetic field, as ASCII text files through file->export menu. These exported files soon can be visualized using matlab or more sophisticated tools like AVS/Express.

Ah yes, you meant fields!! Of course, depends of what you're actually showing. If you show 2D cut, 2D fields could be exported as ASCII file, or fields along curves etc..
I also use Matlab for this task
Sorry my misunderstanding


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