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CST farfield polar plot...

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:
hi, Im simulating a multiband antenna with CST, when I check the far field plot for the first frecuency of operation everything is ok in the polar plot, but when I go to the 2nd, 3rd ......etc.... frecuencies I get 2 plots at the same time, a red line which I know is the plot I want, and a second green line which is almost a perfect circle, What is this second green plot?????? I need to get that second line out of the plot, what can I do???? . Remember its a polar plot in the horizontal plane....... please help.......thanks

The green line in farfield plots in CST is usually the sidelobe (or backlobe) of the radiation pattern. It marks the peak of this sidelobe (when there is such thing...).

Can you give us an example bitmap to check if this is the case?

In that case, I have never found a way of plotting without the sidelobe suppression green circle...


The green line in far field plots in CST is the backlobe level of the radiation pattern you can see it in a polar pattern of horn or planar array
there is low backlobe but if you have two sidelobs obviously they are marked with the green line


serveral ways to plot without the green plot (sidelobe supression feature) (but on a seperate plot). Copy and paste the plot into a new folder. The plots overlay when you click on the main tree. Or if you want individual plots just select the plot you want. Another is to export as ascii. You will obtain several plots. (Abs, Vert/Horz, Left, Right) Just delete those that do don't want and plot it using your favourite graph plotting software.

Hope this helps.


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