Ansoft_designer 1.0
It is actually a 2.5D field sovler. This means that you can have a stackup with many planar structures (multi-layered) as well as Via holes connecting them together.
I heard that you can define a vertical plate going through the layers (such as in a PIFA) but never tried or seen an example like this...
hope this helps.
in designer 1.1 and HFSS 9.1 they can co-simmulate.
i agree with u , designer 1.1 and hf$$ 9.1 can cosimulate , so u can include 3d electromagnitic structures in ansoft designer , which will call HF$$ to simulate them
Cosimulate? Really?
it's wonderful if it is true. I am using ADS, but i want to use a 3D simulator.
Ansoft Designer 1.1 is a good tool for simulate system which contain circuit ,planar EM and can transfer HFSS 9.0 or 9.1 to cosimulate.
does anybody have an example of a co-simulated structure in designer 1.1/HFSS 9.1? I hav not much about this on the ans* webpage...