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QuickWave 3D error: "Project contains bi-phase elements

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:
We have to simulate a problem containing a coax-line. :( As beginners with a tutor not knowing much more about this program than we do, we have met with some obstacles.

Round elements seem to be a problem and we have not found out yet how to produce a suitable mesh.

Does anyone know how to work with those "bi-phased elements"?

Thanks in advance!

Read the manual, biphase are elements that are meshed in 2 steps:
1.Drafting PHASE each component will have his own meshing.
2.fINAL PHASE software will mesh automaticaly a common mesh.

These are elements that each should have a different mesh, because of size,direction, then in final phase a unified, continous mesh will be generated and simulated.
They could have executed the final mesh directly, but using 2 phases give them speed,when drawing the project, also the final mesh is quite complex for such elements, so they are more tedious to inspect for problems.
Any way use the new manuals(beginning ver.2.2), solve a few examples, the learning process is slow at the beginning, but after some experience you will be faster and more precise then the competition.

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