I have an exportation problem with FEMLAB 2.3.
I simulate my electromagnetic problem and i want to post process the field calculated in matlab. So i export data, using the command EXPORT Fem structure from the file menu of the software. Then, if i see the size of fem.sol.u i find a column vector of length L, while the fem.mesh.p is a 2 columns vector ( x and y coordinates of points in wich field is calculated ) of length T, shorter than the solution one. To summurize i want to know where i can find in fem structure the remain points where the fieldd has been calculated.
Tanks in advance.
You must have fem.mesh.p, fem.mesh.e and fem.mesh.t.
Then you need function ( I forget the name) which translates triangular mesh into XY points.
What I recommend:
From Femlab save your project as .M file. This is m - command file for Matlab which will do exactly the same as your project from Femlab's GUI. Look into that file how to extract your values..
I'm afraid bluemw is not satisfied from your answer eirp,cause I don't get
much of a clue of what you answered.
Size of fem.sol.u is indeed greater than the number of nodes.
However the manual doesn't mention where these values refer to...nodes , elements, what?
If anyone has an idea , please post.
Thanks in advance.