Paper by Lewin
Hi ,
Has anyone got this paper ?
Radiation from discontinuities in strip- line - Lewin L.
Proc. IEE, Part H, pp. 163-170, Feb. 1960
I need it.Can you please share this paper if you have it ?
Thanks a lot.
Has anyone got this paper ?
Radiation from discontinuities in strip- line - Lewin L.
Proc. IEE, Part H, pp. 163-170, Feb. 1960
I need it.Can you please share this paper if you have it ?
Thanks a lot.
Radiation from Microstrip Discontinuities
Abouzahra, M.D.; Lewin, L.;
Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on ,Volume: 27 , Issue: 8 , Aug 1979
Pages:722 - 723
Wish it's helpful to u~I faild to get the paper u specified. ^_^
Best Regards.