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Microstripline Widths at given frequency

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hiiiiiiiii there,
Can anyone please tell me where can I get exact formula(e) for calculating the microstripline width at any frequency, because I have used some formulae that I knew but when implemented the antenna feed was responding at frequency other than the one used for calculation,
Thanx in advance.

check this books out :
- Microwave Engineering by Pozar
- Foundation of Microstrip Circuit Design by Terry Edwards

hope this helps

many simaltion packages like ansoft designer, genesys have built in transmission line calculators whic give u the widht of 50ohm line or any impedance line at any given freq. or u can dload this rf calculator from www.milmega.co.uk
in theior download section

Hiiiiiiiiii Guys,

Thanx very much for your responses, I hope that I will get some help from the books and the RF calculator

this maybe help you:
there: c is the velocity of light.f is frequency; εr is the efficiency dielectrical constant.


Hope that this help...

For convenience, graphical method can be used to estimate Eeff and Zo if w/h and Er are known.

上一篇:Photonic band gap

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