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Particular PBG Structure Simulation!

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am a simulating a PBG structure given in IEEE Microw. Guided Wave Letter vol. 8, no. 2, Feb. 1998 titled "Novel 2-D Photonic Bandgap Structure for Microstrip Lines" authored by Itoh et al. But I am not getting the scarreing parameter as published in the paper. I am wondering whether I am simulating correctly. The circular holes in the ground plane I assign it as a Perfect H boundary condition and I also don't subtract the circular holes from the ground plane. I hope someone who has done this simulation tell me the correct way of simulating this particular PBG structure. Thanks.
Mwl Users

Can you specify as to which simulator you are using ?

I am a bit skeptical about the Perf H condition you are using. It is valid only if the holes are small enough to be treated as a perturbation in the ground plane but if the fill factor is large ( in order to get a decent bandgap ) then it is little dodgy.

Why don't you use a finite thickness ground plane with air holes if you are using a 3-D full wave simulator ?

( PS : I have not yet seen the paper. Will see it soon )


I am using HFSS for the simulation. Anyway I will try that and see. But I have come across these terminolgies in HFSS for modeling the periodic structures and PBG.
Master and Slave Boundaries.
I know the full form of these terms. But I am not very sure about their use and how to properly use them. As we all know Simulation should be done properly to get accurate results. And one more thing is it possible to get band diagram using Eigenmode analysis and Optimetrics? If so how to go about it. If you have some materials or some hints or comments or suggestions about it. Please share.
MWl Users

Hi MWL Users,
I think you will have to subtract the circular holes from the ground plane and assign the whole material as Perfect Electric Coductor. Yeah about PML, LBC, etc. I am also looking into this matter. Those who knows, please share.

I think that the hole shoud be substracted and be assigned perf-conductor. the perf-conductor can not connect ground plane.

I tried the simulation of the PBG in that paper. It is giving proper band gap. It is more of like DFS (Defected Ground Surface). Since the defects are in the ground plane it is not going to connect to the microstrip line. To sum up, draw the structure as it is. draw the circular holes in the gnd plane and subtract those circular holes and assign the structure as pec. Rest is is the normal usual way. Hope it helps.

上一篇:abc3d problem in HFSS

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