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anisotropy field HFSS, magnetic materials

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:
i am trying to verify the results given in a journal paper, they are using magnetic material and all of there equations use anisotropy field. how do i define this in HFSS. i don't understand how to account for the anisotropy field in HFSS. in the paper i am using there anistropy field is 10Oe. mag saturation is 1T. does it have something to do with how you define the mag saturation, right now i am just setting it to 1T, but should i set it to be something like (1T,0,0). i have never worked with magenetic materials so i am getting confused. thanks for the help

Hiiiiii Alffnot,

I'm sorry if you are little more elaborate as to what you are trying to achieve using the magnetic material it would be appropriate, or atleast what is the aim of the paper you are trying to simulate, because, as far as my knowledge goes, you can pretty well define your magnetic material as anisotropic when defining your material for the substrate (as an example), here suppose if you are using something like ferrite then you can set its magnetic saturation as 10Oe and can change the magnetic bias from 1T to any other amount you want, I hope this satisfies your query


thanks, that is kinda what i figured out over the last week, but now i have a new problem. i can't get it to simulate correctly. with the addition of a magnetic material the simulation basically doesn't work. looking at the max delta S, it stops decreasing and only gets down to like .1-.08 and oscilates up and down around that point. and i know it isn't right because a plot of my sparams is just alot of craziness, not what it should be. i have increased the number of tetra's to nearly 100,000 and simulation takes a very long time. the structure is not ver complicated so i can't see why it takes so many. it is just a coupled microstrip line with magnetic material between the microstrips

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