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Wht is the best way to excite a planar slot antenna in HFSS?

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:
I have just started using HFSS. I have few questions regarding the boundary conditions and the excitations used in HFSS. In my model I am using a lumped port to excite the slot antenna. The port is placed across the slot at an offset from the edge of the slot. I also have a PML boundary condition set to a box at a distance of λ/4 from the entenna.

The quesions tht i have are:

1. wht is the optimum distance of the PML box from the antenna. If i use a radiation boundary condition instead of a PML, what is the optimal distance of the radiation box from the antenna and which one of the both gives me an accurate result.
* I observed the return loss of the antenna changing as the size of the radiation box is changed

2. Is lumped port the only way to excite the slot antenna? If so, wht should be the width of the defined lumped port (length of the port being the width of the slot)?

I would appreciate if anyone could help me through this.

Thanks a lot!!!!

****Is there any HFSS manual online that I can refer to. Please let me know.


i guess you need to simulate it with a waveport. As far as tutorials is concerned please go through the previous posts ...there are links and help available on Ansoft HFSS.

The height of the radiation boundary would be atleast λ0/4, where λ0 is teh resonant wavelength.......I would think radiation boundary would work just fine for slot antenna.

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