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How to excite antenna in NEC ?

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:
In CST, Zeland we have coaxial (waveguide port), but in NEC we have not.
Is enough to excite just first segment (node) of wire from coaxial cable?

The basis of NEC is wire segments. You specify which segment has an extra addition. This could be the driving voltage. It can also be a reactive L or C element.

Segment with extra adition is the first segment closes to the coaxial port(cabal).
Can we present coaxial port with voltage source because in the cable we have TEM mode, if the answer is yes what parametars of voltage node to use on microwave(2.4Ghz)?
Am I in right if I assume that cable(connector) is good and very close ideal(50R of real and 0R of imaginary impedance)?

NEC does only simple things. The feed you are able to use is a voltage source in the center of a wire segment. You will have to use a guess for what voltage is at the feed point of your real antenna. The impedance of the feed line is not an input parameter in NEC.

If this all seems crude to you, remember that the version of NEC that is free to the public is simpler than the expensive commercial versions. I have been told these commercial versions are simpler than the versions used by US government departments.

Where can I find some examples for the modelling and simulating with superNEC?
Thanks and waiting for your reply!

The COAX in SuperNEC is transmission line.

Can connected to segment of wire.

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