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size of ground plane of antenna

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all,
Has anyone studied the effect of the size of ground plane on the radiation pattern of a microstrip p@tch antenna ? Typically how big a ground plane is good enough ? Thanks for your time.


hello svarun,

your question says "... how big is good enough?" and I ask you, good enough for what?. Be aware that the ground plane size gives you an additional degree of freedom, and making it larger or smaller you can control the antenna beamwidth, and therefore the directivity.

If you want a directive antenna with low back radiation you need a large plane (I am using now 3lambda for that, and the back radiation is about 30dB).

On the other hand if you try a wide beamwidth antenna, then making the ground plane smaller, you can control it (be aware that if you make it too small the input impedance will be also affected).


Hi Dowjones,
You answered my question in your reply !!. What I had in mind was how big should the ground plane be so that the actual pattern differs very little from the pattern for the infinite ground plane case. By the way do you have any reference to any paper which does study the effect of ground plane on antenna radiation pattern, either theory based or experiment based. Thanks for your time.


Here is one for you svarun.


about λg/2 larger than patch.


a good paper on the ground plane topic:

IEEE Trans AP 51 no. 3 march 2003 pp 478-482. "Improving radiation Pattern Distortion of a Patch antenna having a finite ground plane" by T. Namiki, Y. Murayama and K. Ito.


Size of ground depends of type of simulator your are using, MoM needs more than FEM.

the size of groun plane in microstrip antenna
relate to size of radiated patch.however common greater than 2 order of this size.for giving more details refer to the book of microstrip antenna from D.M.Pozar


a few more references on this subject


S. A. Bokhari, J.R. Mosig, F.E. Gardiol (1992). Radiation Pattern computation of Microstrip Antennas on Finite Size Ground Planes. IEE Proceedings - H, 139(3), 278-286.

M. Ando, T. Murasaki, Y. Inasawa, M. Sato, K. Natsuhara (0). GTD Pattern Analysis of Antennas on a Finite Ground Plane by Using Modified Edge Representation.

S. Cui, D. Fang (1997). Analysis of the Diffraction Coefficients of Corrugated Surfaces with the Use of a Numerical GTD Method. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 15(5), 297-303.

R. Marg, I. Sch?n, A.F. Jacob (2000). Finite Ground Plane Effects on the Radiation Pattern of Small Microstrip Arrays. IEE Proceedings Microwaves Antennas and Propagation, 147(2), 139-143.

S. Noghanian, L. Shafai (1998). Control of Microstrip Antenna Radiation Characteristics by Ground Plane Size and Shape. IEE Proceedings Microwaves Antennas and Propagation, 145(3), 207-212.

Z. Ying, P. S. Kildal (1996). Improvements of Dipole, Helix, Spiral, Microstrip Patch and Aperture Antennas with Ground Planes by Using Corrugated Soft Surfaces. IEE Proceedings Microwaves Antennas and Propagation, 143(3), 244-248.


Other than the size of the ground plane (and array arrangement ) is there any other parameter we can manipulate to get a narrow beamwidth or at least to fix a distortion of farfield radiation patern ?

Thank you for your help.


does anyone do some research on the imput impendance of finit substate micrpstrip antenna?

I use PMCHE+EFIE and Matrix Pencil method to calculate the S11 of an MS Antenna, but the frequence is often lower than measure. Is that True?

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