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Info on using Microwave Office for amplifier design

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:
anyone has templates or information on using microwave office for amplifier design?

I advice you to use ADS instead of Microqwave office just look up for some example about amplifier design in google and you will find a lot of example

I use Microwave Office every day...
if u give me your mail i can give u same templates or give some help for designing your amplifiers..
i have designed lumped and mixed lumped/microstrip low noise, low level amplifiers up to 1GHz....


there are a lot of examples comming with Microwave Office that you can use as a starting point to see how to set-up your amplifier simulations to simulate specific feature. You can start by modifying this examples to suit your problem.

ADS offers step-by-step guide to optimize bias point, gain, etc. and could be a great help if you didn't get the whole picture while studying the aplifier theory.


I advise u that u send me ur email and i will send u a template design

where can find the "@DS " software? is it free?

ADS is not free. You will find all information here:


(replace ** with tt and @ with a)

上一篇:ansoft sample circuit

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