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Plotting the transmission and reflection of a 2D Triangular Photonic Crystal

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello All and Irfan:

I have been trying to plot the transmission and reflection of a 2D Triangular Photonic Crystal.
I am using a Source with a Gaussian profile to excite the structure. I have used the Spatial excitation type for the source. The structure (in the x-z plane) has got 15 horizontal periods (x-direction) and 9 vertical periods (z-direction).
I ran the simulations for TE and TM and the transmission matched the band diagrams.

1]The problem is, the values of the output power are very low. I know I have to normalize this data. Please can you suggest a method to do this.

2]I also was trying to measure the reflections by placing a monitor behind the source. What I expected to see was that, the reflections are maximum in the bandgap, but this is not the trend followed in the plot. There are high reflections for regions with high transmission. This is very strange. Please can you suggest reasons or/and remedies.

3] I am also doing the same for Photonic Crystal slab structures. Are there any significant settings for these simulations in order to get valid results?

Appreciate all the help from people on this forum, especially Irfan.

Thanks in advance,


you may need to place the monitors at a more distant position. There may be many diffrent orders of reflected waves. well, it is better if you post your structure here.

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