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Vector field display in HFSS

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hey everyone, I have a question about the vector field display in HFSS.
Lets say I setup my antenna design in HFSS for a solution frequency of 10 GHz and after the solition , I find that the resonance is at 8 GHz instead of 10 GHz. So if I want to see the vector fields at the resonance frequency of 8 GHz, seems like HFSS won't let me do it. It only lets you look at the fields at the solution frequency.
Am I right or is there a settting through which I can look at the field at any frequency within the frequency sweep?

I think you need to create another solution setup for 8 GHz.

上一篇:calculate q in cst mws

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