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R,L,Q Si substrate in MWS

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am trying to design inductors on very lossy Si with MWS (hum...). With a lot of patience I can impact more or less the inductance, but resistance and Q factor are still out of range, especially at low frequency. I guess if I calculate the Qfactor from the fields (Wstored/Wtot), it can be more accurate, but having dozens of monitors is not the best way either.
Do you have an idea how to estimate the errors caused by the mismatch due to the lossy substrate?
By the way does somebody know a way to stop a calculation in MWS and be able to resume it without starting from the beginning.
Thank you

Hi Supaswing,

1. Have u tried monitoring Voltage and Current along a specified line
(and then calculating the comlpex Z=V/I)?
2. Try running your model like this : A. With fully lossy materials (Metals+substartes), B. Lossy substartes alone (Metals=PEC), C. Loss free model.
And then estimating the desired mismatch.
3. I'll b happy if someone knows how 2 stop a run and then resume it could tell us how 2 do that.


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