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oscillator design and computer simulation

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Oscillator Design and Computer Simulation
Randall W. Rhea
This book covers the design of L-C, transmission line, quartz crystal
and SAW oscillators. The unified approach presented can be used with a
wide range of active devices and resonator types. Valuable to experienced
engineers and those new to oscillator design. Topics include: limiting
and starting, biasing, noise, analysis and oscillator fundamentals.
The electronic text that follows was scanned from the Noble publishing
edition of Oscillator Design and Computer Simulation. The book is
available from the publisher for $49.00 (list price $64.00). Please mention
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1 Analysis Fundamentals
1.1 Voltage Transfer Functions
1.2 Power Transfer Functions
1.3 Scattering Parameters
1.4 The Smith Chart
1.5 Radially Scaled Parameters
1.6 Matching
1.7 Broadband Amplifier Without Feedback
1.8 Stability
1.9 Broadband Amplifier With Feedback
1.10 Component Parasitics
1.11 Amplifier With Parasitics
1.12 References
2 Oscillator Fundamentals
2.1 Example
2.2 Mismatch
2.3 Relation to Classic Oscillator Theory
2.4 Loaded Q
2.5 L-C Resonator Configurations
2.6 L-C Resonator Phase Shift
2.7 Resonators as Matching Networks
2.8 Resonator Voltage
2.9 Transmission Line Resonators
2.10 Re-entrance
2.11 Quartz Crystal Resonators
2.12 Crystal Dissipation
2.13 Pulling Crystal Oscillators
2.14 Ceramic Piezoelectric Resonators
2.15 SAW Resonators
2.16 Multiple Resonators
2.17 Phase
2.18 Negative Resistance Analysis
2.20 Looking Through the Resonator
2.21 Negative Resistance Oscillator Noise
2.22 Negative Conductance Oscillators
2.23 Stability Factor and Oscillator Design
2.24 Output Coupling
2.25 Pulling
2.26 Pushing
2.27 References
3 Limiting and Starting
3.1 Limiting
3.2 Amplitude and Frequency Stability
3.3 Class-A Operation
3.4 Near-Class-A Example
3.5 Predicting Output Level
3.6 Output Harmonic Content
3.7 Class-C Power Oscillators
3.8 Starting
3.9 Starting Time
3.10 Bias Time Constant
3.11 Frequency Effects of Limiting
3.12 References
4 Noise
4.1 Single-Sideband Phase Noise
4.2 Amplifier Noise
4.3 Amplifier Flicker Noise
4.4 Oscillator Noise
4.5 Oscillator Noise Nomograph
4.6 Residual Phase and Frequency Modulation
4.7 Varactor Modulation Phase Noise
4.8 Buffer Amplifiers
4.9 Frequency Multiplication
4.10 Discrete Sidebands
4.11 Power Supply Noise
4.12 Low-Noise Design Suggestions
4.13 Typical Oscillator Noise Performance
4.14 References
5 Biasing
5.1 Bipolar Transistor Biasing
5.2 Simple Feedback Biasing
5.3 One-Battery Biasing
5.4 CC Negative Supply Biasing
5.5 Dual Supply Biasing
5.6 JFET Biasing
5.7 Grounded Source
5.8 Self-Bias
5.9 Dual-gate FET
5.10 Active Bipolar Biasing
5.11 Hybrid Biasing
5.12 References
6 Computer Techniques
6.1 Oscillator Simulation
6.2 Simple Resonator Example
6.3 Oscillator Synthesis
6.3.1 Synthesis Example
6.3.2 Analysis of the Example
6.3.3 Optimization of the Example
6.3.4 Noise Performance of the Example
6.4 SPICE Analysis of Oscillators
6.5 Loaded Q Limitation
6.6 1OOMHz Loop Oscillator Measured Data
6.7 Negative-Resistance Oscillator Computer
6.7.1 Analysis Fundamentals
6.7.2 Device Selection
6.7.3 Circuit Enhancements
6.8 Broad Tuning UHF VCO Example
6.8.1 Frequency Tuning Linearity
6.9 Spice Analysis of the UHF VCO
6.9.1 Oscillator Starting Time
6.9.2 The Oscillator Spectrum
6.10 References
7 Circuits
7.1 Frequency Range
7.2 Stability
7.3 Tuning Bandwidth
7.4 Phase Noise
7.5 Simplicity
7.6 General Comments
7.7 Output Coupling
7.8 References
8 L-C Oscillators
8.1 Capacitors
8.2 Inductors
8.3 L-C Colpitts Oscillator
8.3.1 Output Coupling
8.4 L-C Clapp Oscillator
8.4.1 Tuning
8.4.2 Output Coupling
8.4.3 Circuit Vagaries
8.4.4 Operating Frequency
8.5 L-C Bipolar Transistor Oscillator
8.5.1 Tuning
8.5.2 Coupling Capacitor Inductance
8.5.3 Controlling the Phase
8.5.4 The Bipolar Amplifier
8.6 L-C Hybrid Oscillator
8.7 References
9 Distributed Oscillators
9.1 Negative Resistance UHF Oscillator
9.1.1 Circuit Vagaries
9.1.2 L-C Resonator Form
9.1.3 Output Coupling
9.1.4 Advantages
9.1.5 Circuit Variations
9.2 Negative-R Oscillator with Transformer
9.3 Bipolar Cavity Oscillator
9.3.1 Tuning
9.3.2 Example
9.4 Hybrid Cavity Oscillator
9.5 References
SAW Oscillators
10.1 SAW Bipolar Oscillator
10.1.1 Output Coupling
10.2 SAW Hybrid Oscillator
10.2.1 Tuning
10.2.2 Element Values
10.2.3 Output Coupling
10.3 SAW Dual-gate FET Oscillator
10.3.1 Element Values
10.3.2 Output Coupling
10.4 References
11 Quartz Crystal Oscillators
11.1 Pierce Crystal Oscillator
11.1.1 Loaded Q
11.1.2 Element Values
11.1.3 Dissipation
11.2 Colpitts Crystal Oscillator
11.2.1 Limitations
11.2.2 Element Values
11.3 High-Performance Crystal Oscillator
11.3.1 Performance
11.3.2 Low-Frequency Overtone Crystals
11.3.3 Example
11.3.4 Element Values
11.3.5 Frequency Pulling
11.3.6 Phase Noise
11.3.7 AM-to-PM Conversion
11.4 Butler Overtone Crystal Oscillator
11.4.1 Pulling
11.4.2 Circuit Tips
11.5 Butler Oscillator-Multiplier
11.5.1 Example
11.5.2 Modulation
11.6 References
12 Case Studies
12.1 Assumed Specifications
12.2 Low-Noise 910-920 MHz VCO
12.2.1 Initial Observations
12.2.2 Noise Analysis
12.2.3 Proposed Oscillator
12.2.4 Test Results
12.3 ?Ultra Low Cost 939 MHz VCO
12.3.1 Reducing the Cost
12.3.2 Test Results
12.3.3 Varactorless VCO
12.4 Low Harmonic, Low Load Pull VCO
12.4.1 Harmonic Performance
12.4.2 Output Filtering
12.4.3 Resonator Coupling
12.4.4 Buffering
12.4.5 Measured Performance
12.4.6 Noise Performance
12.5 Higher Power Oscillator
12.5.1 Initial Considerations
12.5.2 Measured Results
12.6 References

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