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Problem about LNA Simulation in ADS!

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all,

I did a LNA simulation using ADS.I met such problem:

When I simulate such topology shown in the attachment 1.jpg, the simulation is ok.
But when I add a capacitor in the input port (shown as 2.jpg), the simulator reminds that Node '_net1340' has no DC path to ground and it doesn't work.I do not know what's the reason,who can help me to solve it? Thanks!


hi dopradar!

The node is floating since no dc path exist's there. The node after the input port is only connected with caps.
So I suggest you to add a resitor (say 1G) in parallel to C3.

If not, the simulator is unable to find a dc solution and cannot continue simulating your transient simulation.

yes, this could be a notorious problem for ads

suggest using a large resistor forming a DC path

Hi, But I just do the S-Parameter Simulation.This problem take place in the S-parameter simulation.and the problem is, when I simulate as the 1.jpg topology,that's ok.when I added the capacitor C4 shown as 2.jpg, the simulator gives that error!


Added after 9 minutes:

Thank you!

I have solved this problem as you suggest me!

dear dopradar
could upload your.jpg again , as it seems to me that the link is bad and pops up : the file doest exit

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