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I think SONNET is a very perfect EM simulator!

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
Sonnet is very efficient and accuracy in designing microstrip circuits and some other planar circuits. I think it is better than ansoft designer or other software.
but not many persons here talk about it .
I think we can exchange some ideas about it .

I agree
Sonnet is a power full simulation software for planar structure ,it is very efficient and has a clear manual for ports and their different types.
especially for the internal port management.
As we can see that the large simulation tools like AWR ADS .. use Sonnet as a seperate block foe their plananr simulation..

I was using HFSS and found a bit slow.Today I download sonnet and read the manuals.Can you tell me how to setup the parameter with the demension of the model.
Thanks a lot,I am a beginner.

Hi id_guy -- Go to Help->Manuals, click on User's Guide, then read chapter 10. Hint: Keep an eye on the message displayed in the lower left corner of the xgeom screen as you specify a parameter. It tells you what to do next.

ie3d is also excellent , i think :)

Thanks a lot ,rautio.I will.:D

Sonnet is a program based on Method of Moments, which produces smaller, very dense matrices and that is why it is much faster than HFSS, which is based on Finite Element Method.
That is also the rason why it has limited use in 3D structures with complicated geometries.

I have some questions about sonnet.
when i design branch line coupler ,i use sma adapter to measurement. But my layout of adapter is 45 degree ,not orthogonal .that is my simulation pattern is complete match my layout . althought my measurement result any simulation is not different too much. but i really want their pattern is the same.
how could i do 45 degree or any angle in sonnet.

Hi Scuba -- On Sonnet Verison 10 (including SonnetLite), go to Help->Tutorials. On page 65 you will see how to type in the coordinates of the next point, or the distance and angle. You can do this anytime while drawing a polygon.

Alternatively, you can draw a polygon and then rotate it to any angle. Just select the polygon, and then do Modify->Rotate.

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