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Memory limit of 1 GB when using HFSS9.1

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
We have a memory problem when making simulations with HFSS 9.1.
Seems to be that HFSS only uses 1 GB. We have increased physical memory to 2 GB and it still uses 1 GB. Any idea on how to override this limit?

Even the HFSS version 8.... was able to work on 2 GB memory (maximum). The version 9.... able to work on higher than 2 GB. Maybe the maximum memory set in your HFSS in only 1GB. You can change it in the general option.

Depends on your operating system -

With NT/2000 and 2GB RAM HFSS will only use up around 1.4GB. With XP and 4GB RAM, providing you alter your boot.ini file you access up to around 2.7GB. Same applies for any program.

Upgrade to HFSS v9.2.1 it will solve this problem.


Does that upgrading from 1GB to 2GB really help HFSS simulation a lot? I am thinking about upgrading my pc. Since I am a poor student, I have to consider the ratio between the benefit and the cost.

here is the information I got from the last workshop of Ansoft.
The newest version of HFSS can support 2G memory at unix, 1 G memory at windows OS. Yes, this is the limit from the interface with OS.
after 64 bits OS come out, this limitation will be removed, HFSS can use as much memory as you have.
Best Regards


I have seen this topic and wanted to ask you again. I use HFSS v9.0 and have 2GB of RAM on WinXP. How much of the RAM can I utilize when there are no other processes except HFSS are running (during simulation i mean). In HFSS 9.2 I have seen an option like "use xx% of the memory". Unfortunately this option does not exist in 9.0, am I right? Is there a way of increasing the RAM HFSS uses.

On the other hand do I need such a thing, during my simulations the PC works quite efficient even if i use many other programs and the simulations does not last long. This may be because i do very straightforward example projects, I don't know.

To sum up all, is 2GB of memory enough even for very complicated simulations? If you say "No, i simulate such and such cases and it takes a looooooooong time" is there a way to increase the RAM HFSS uses?

Thanks in advance, it has been a very long question even i can't understand what i want to mean when i have re-read the whole passages above.... :D

From HFSS manual:

HFSS 9.2.1 and 10.0 are Windows 32-bit programs that can use RAM up to 3 GB. The switch /3GB has to be added to boot.ini and Windows XP SP2 is preferred. If there is for example 4 GB of RAM installed, still only 3 GB can be used.


There is a dramatic increase in HFSS performance running simulations of complex structures on a PC having 3 GB of RAM installed and utilized, compared with only 2 GB.

Note: standard Windows 32-bit applications cannot use RAM above 2 GB, even if the PC is equipped with 3 of 4 GB of RAM. There are, however, a few exceptions in the market. HFSS 9.2.1 and 10.0 belongs to this category.

With Windows Professional x64 Edition installed on a 64-bit computer, 64-bit Windows applications will not have a 2 or 3 GB limit.

There is an option to set Memory limit, I can't remember which tab, but it is under settings. Check the recently posted hfss_full_book.pdf for details. It has explanation for both hfss 9.1 and hfss 9.2.

Select Tools>Option>Hfss Option>Solver: Desired RAM limit, Maximum Ram Limit.

By the way, does anyone who has access to OTS, please ask them how do I start an analysis (analyze) only with unix command-line. Basically, I'd like to telnet to a unix box and write something like this: hfss -batchsolve my_antenna.hfss
(I've tried -batchsolve and -iconic with Unix hfss9.x and it doesn't work).
Also, since I cannot open a DISPLAY if I telnet into a unix-box, how do I forward the DISPLAY to null ?
Thank you so much

Don't forget there's a patch for HFSS v9.2.

If you haven't patched your hfss 9.2 to 9.2.1, you can get it here (bottom of post).

Topic: Summary of Updates in HFSS v9.2 and IE3D 10.2



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