I'm student, to practice E.M simulation I used D M Sullivan book (Electromagnetic Simulation Using The FDTD Method) how to calculate the SAR in 2D TM a plane wave source impinging on a dielectric cylinder by using fourier Transforms. Already I have from Sullivan's book the code in Matalab program, if I used the 3D code plane wave on a dielectric sphere in c++ is it possible to plot the the three electric fields by matlab.
I do appreciate any kind of help and personal contact through the following address
Hi Elgabo,
I think you have a principal problem: the SAR value is defined
as a 3d value! In 2d it does not make any sense, because you
have the mass=0 (no z-component)!!
For SAR calculation with a feed point exitation you have to use always
a 3d simulation program.
Maybe in some special cases with plane waves it is enough if you
simulate only one x-y-plane, because maybe in the z direction the field
distribution is the same over all the planes depending on your problem.
best: ricy
My understanding is that he is trying to calculate the TE or TM plane wave incident on infinitely long dielectric cylinder.
Hi elgabo
yes , it's possible to plot fields from simulation with c++. for that , you take the txt format for your program outputs (E & H) and in matlab load them
I hope it'll be helpful