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What is "merge layer" in Ansoft Designer? 50 point

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
Dear Folks,

When I place a coupled stripline circuit component STLCPL2 (I was going through the differential pair example in Designer manual) in Ansoft Designer schematic windows, a dialog popped up asking whether or not to merge layers. Could anyone tell me what does it mean?

I looked through the User guide and online help but found no answer. My only background is under graduate EM/microwave class so I would like the answer to be as detail as possible. Specifically, I want to know

1. What is the purpose of merging layers?
2. In the differential pair example, if I choose merge layer, what is the consequences?
3. What does "flip source before merging" mean?

50 points will be donated for the 1st guy who answered the question satisfiably.

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