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Analytic expression for E-field

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
I've modelated a structure with a microstrip in hfss and found magnitude of the E-field in several points. Now want to compare this magnitudes with the theoretical ones.
So can anyone advise me an easy and convenient analytic expression to calculate the magnitude of the E-field in the exact point.

Thanks in advance!

you could find good formulas about computation of E & H fields of a recangular and circular p(at)ch antenna in chapter-14 of this book;
Antenna theory analysis and design , second edition , by Contantine A. Balanis

Microstrip Antennas by bahl and bhartia artech house is also a ghood source

microstrip and slotlines by kc gupta is a good source

In the book of Tesche,Ianoz, Karlsson "Analysis Methods and Computational Models" I've found the formula for calculating E-field of a dipole in a point (look at the attachment)
Please? explain me the next moments:
1. As I've understood, the real part of the expression is accorded with the amplitude of the radiated field, and the virtual - with the phase. I'm interested only ion the amplitude. So how should the formula look like in this case.
2. This formula is for the dipole, oriented along the Z-axis. How should it be changed for the arbitrarily oriented dipole?
3. How should I change this formula, to set the measure point in Cartesian coordinates?
Thanks in advance!


I don't think that analytic expression for microstrip E field exsits. If it were available life would be much simpler for researchers some 2-3 decades ago.


I guess expression for E and H field for microstip antenna are available for cavity model. It has few assumptions though. They are available in bhal bhartiya and balanis.

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