Analytic expression for E-field
So can anyone advise me an easy and convenient analytic expression to calculate the magnitude of the E-field in the exact point.
Thanks in advance!
you could find good formulas about computation of E & H fields of a recangular and circular p(at)ch antenna in chapter-14 of this book;
Antenna theory analysis and design , second edition , by Contantine A. Balanis
Microstrip Antennas by bahl and bhartia artech house is also a ghood source
microstrip and slotlines by kc gupta is a good source
In the book of Tesche,Ianoz, Karlsson "Analysis Methods and Computational Models" I've found the formula for calculating E-field of a dipole in a point (look at the attachment)
Please? explain me the next moments:
1. As I've understood, the real part of the expression is accorded with the amplitude of the radiated field, and the virtual - with the phase. I'm interested only ion the amplitude. So how should the formula look like in this case.
2. This formula is for the dipole, oriented along the Z-axis. How should it be changed for the arbitrarily oriented dipole?
3. How should I change this formula, to set the measure point in Cartesian coordinates?
Thanks in advance!
I don't think that analytic expression for microstrip E field exsits. If it were available life would be much simpler for researchers some 2-3 decades ago.
I guess expression for E and H field for microstip antenna are available for cavity model. It has few assumptions though. They are available in bhal bhartiya and balanis.