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时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
Are there any users of the FEKO program available to comment on the good and the bad of it's use. I have seen adds for it and would like to know if it's worth exploring.


Hi H30,

FEKO is a program very much like NEC. You have to key in some codes to get solver outputs. It is very unlike many EM programs where u can enter some values into a microsoft pop-up box and get results.

Download the beginner's guide which I wrote to have a quick feel of how feko operates.

The best thing about feko is that is support hybrid methods thereofore you can obtain a solution for a problem of serveral wavelength at reduced memory requirement and simulaiton time.

I will provide more info if you want to know more.


Your link shows the text and replies but nothing to download.


Hi H30,

u have to log on to be able to download, otherwise u just see msg. It is in the newbies, students forum under 2.4 GHz bluetooth antenna if u still can't find it.


Hi H30,

there will be a lot more information and examples about feko very soon as they are holding a student competition (submission date end Nov) and are encouraging people to put up webpages to demonstrate the capabilities of FEKO. There might be comparisons against other EM software or measured results to verify feko simulations. So watch out for it on their webpage on http://www.feko.co.za

I assume if they have good responds to the competition, you probably can do a google seach and obtain all the example that the students has put up.

Tell me what you think of it after u had a look see. :)



This is one of the links for the FEKO Student competition:

I did a google search but I can't seem to find any more :( If anyone else found examples like this on the web, pls post so we can all share the knowlege. :)


I have downloaded the program from their site with a 30 day trial. I looks like it can be usefull once you get a used to the interface. I will post info as the use of the program goes on. :)

All help is welcome

Hi H30,

yeh, I agree the interface is not that user friendly like many other simulators but like you said, once you get the hang of it, everything is easy.

please post any problems that you have here and we will try to help :)

here's another link where u can download a full thesis on UWB antenna.




Does someone know omore info about the difference of paralel and serial versions of FEKO?



In parallel, simulation can be run in several computers making full use of all computing resources. In serial, simulation only one computer at a time.


when i simulate a structure in feko, i got a wierd message telling me that only 953 mb of ram can be allocated. I got 2 GB of ram. Is there a way to solve this problem?

Hello irfan1,

in previous version of FEKO before v4 (I think) you can use #maxalloc command to limit the memory use. In newer version this is detected automatically. Maybe you can check pre file and delete the above command.

Hope this helps.


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