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is this way effect to increase the speed of simulation?

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
hi ,all . i have a question to ask : my CPU is 1.2 G, RAM is 128 M, now i want to buy a 512M RAM in order to increase the speed of simulation in hfss9.2,is it effect?my doubt is that my CPU frequency is so low that even i buy a 512M RAM it helps a little.
any advice will be appretiated! best regards!

obviously the faster the processor, the faster the EM solver will be for problems that are not RAM-constrained. The advantage of adding more RAM is that it avoids swapping to hard disk (virtual memory) which is much slower. HFSS can access up to 3 GB of RAM on XP, and I would put as much as you can afford into any PC dedicated to EM analysis.

yes this is correct, also 128M RAM is too small even for smal structures, considering that the recommended configuration of HFSS is 4GB RAM

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