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e book on micro wave and wave guides

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
Can anyone suggest me good books for antennas and waveguides?
Thanx in advance.

A very good approach to understand waveguides is found at Microwave Engineering by Pozar

read this attachment
then go to http://www.ece.rutgers.edu/~orfanidi/ewa


For antenna theory, I suggest

"Antenna Theory and Design" by W. Stutzman

and for waveguide theory, I suggest

"An Introduction to Guided Waves and Microwave Circuits" by R.S. Elliot

Both books were very helpful in my graduate studies.

This a good book "guiding light by and beyond Total Internal Reflection mechanism"
This may help you.

"Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design", Constantine A. Balanis
"Field Theory of Guided Waves", Robert E. Collin
"Foundations for Microwave Engineering", Robert E. Collin
"Microwave Engineering", David M. Pozar
"An Introduction to Guided Waves and Microwave Circuits", Robert S. Elliot
"Microwave Engineering", Peter A. Rizzi
"Antenna Theory", Robert E. Collin and F. J. Zucker

also check:
"Waveguide Handbook (Ieee Electromagnetic Waves Series)", Nathan Marcuvitz (Editor)

Supplemantary books:
"Time-Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields", Roger F. Harrington
"Advanced Electromagnetics", Constantine A. Balanis
"Electromagnetic Wave Theory", J. A. Kong


You could also try "Microwave devices and circuits" by Samuel Liao.

Is Balanis good or J.D Krauss?
Pls help

One book often overlooked, that I however found very good is Advanced Microwave Engineering - K. Balanis - NOT his Antenna's Textbook. The AME of Balanis is very pedagogical and explains wavegides in depth with a good rigor.
Many other books consider WG from the point of view of one mathematical form or another, but in the end it all boils down to 3 coordinate systems. In Balanis' book the detailed derivation is given and the field patterns shown very clearly.
I recomend that "forgotten" book. IMHO Collin is too heavy to beginners in WG.
One other book that is often overlooked is Warren L. Stutzman, "Polarization in Electromagnetic Systems. To date, I have not found other text apar that one on the subject matter but unfortunately it is already out of print. I have a paper copy of this source and would highly recommend to the inetersted user to find and read.


Here its a heck of a good book, not a text book though,


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