hfss microstrip lumped port
I think lump port in HFSS can be easily applied since it can be built inside the airbox. For waveport, maybe you need to draw the feeding structure for PIFA together with the antenna, which increase the simulation complexity.
However, I heard that in HFSS we can also draw a void inside the airbox to assign the waveport, does anyone try that before? Thanks.
From the tutorial on microstrip it showed that the waveport was in the same spot as the lumped port except the wave port uses a large rectangle. The lumped port is a rectangle and only covers the dielectrics thickness and microstrip width. Just wondering how much different things can really be, but I guess I need to simulate to find out. Thanks.
You can have a waveport defined inside the airbox; you just need to place a solid PEC geometry (say a cube) on the other end of the waveport to let HFSS know which direction to solve for. I tried this and got good results.