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CST MWS Problem

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:

i got this error message ( in the logfile) when i try to simulate a project in MWS 5 using a copy of project model from the old version 4.

"Parallel symmetry planes! No farfield calculation possible"

can somebody explain what i've done wrong. what i did was, i open a project (previously simulated with MWS 4) with MWS 5, save it without result, and run it again. there was no problem with the s-parameter, only the farfield.

thanks for your help.


I need more info :

Did the model work on MWS 4 ?
Can u read history of the model on MWS 5 ?

I have the same problem. Problem solved after changing the 'open' boundary conditions to 'open(add space)' boundary conditions.


Hi Pushhead,

Yes, the model worked in Version 4 and i also can read the history list when i open it with version 5.

It is a bidirectioanal antenna model. To make it unidirectional, i put a reflector at Zmin. The farfield was only calculated when i delete this reflector. Defining Zmin as e-boundary also ( instead of putting the reflector) produced the error message as well. It was not a problem at all when i used version 4 before.

thanks for your help.


Then, what shall we do to solve out the problem ?? I have the same problem


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