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时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:



bad gain margin

3楼的回答:bad gain margin不明白?求指教






Your zero and higher order poles (2nd,3rd) are very close to unity gain crossing of Gain plot resulting no gain margin. In simulation you have problem in real chip you will have much worst cases since simulation model accuracy and over PVT etc.
Your input differential pair may have cascodes on them and their Cds creates a forward path to create zeros (or similar situation where parasitic transistor capacitors causing feed forward) and also high parasitic capacitance's in high impedance nodes bringing 2nd and 3rd poles in.
I suggest first to check above and try to minimize parasitic capacitance's (play with transistor W/L), increase branch currents to reduce resistances.If these do not satisfactoryor desired then modify or change your topology.
Good luck!

我建议首先要检查,尽量减少寄生电容(玩晶体管W / L),增加支路电流,以减少阻力。如果这些不理想或希望修改或更改您的拓扑结构。

By the way as jxjxhwxstates, waveform is not strange. Indeed quite typical, for example, for low power (i.e. low branch currents) folded cascode opamp.
If you quickly wantto verify it please increase your branch currents as much as you can (take care of transistor regions)and see the corresponding result

谢谢你的建议哈,1711064497,further disscussion




Ringing is typical, but I seldom see this kind of ringing waveform in good designs.
If you say it's typical, could you give me some paper which show this kind of waveform ?


of course, that's why I said it's bad. You must avoid this.
Don't believe in AcoAco. It's definitely not typical.

在稍大于GBW时相位猛跌至-180度左右而此时增益却突然回升到接近0dB,这造成了时域响应曲线出现振荡 ,也就是说相位跌倒180附近时增益没有远远小于0dB,这样就导致增益裕度不够,导致振荡

复习一下奈奎斯特判据。你这种bode plot,根轨迹上会有靠近虚轴的极点存在,所以就ring啦。

Pleaseunderstand that atleast intentionally Ido not advise bad design practices. I did not say ringing is typical for a manufactured product since in first place I avoid a designs with less than 16 degree of phase margin and I try to do anything possible to eliminate bumps close to gain plot unity gain crossings. In fact I try so hard to make gain plot as straight as possible around unity gain crossing. Therefore I myself had never seen those ringings in my manufactured designs at all (I am not even familiar with ringing. To my luck I have never seen even anun-optimal transient behavior) .What we are talking here is a persons attempt to design an op-amp and during the initial phase of his/her design seeing ringings in the simulations ( At least it is what I understood since there is no mention nor photos of a ringing taken on a scope).

What is typical is bode diagram with almost zero gain margin during initial design phase as shown on the bode gain plot (as I described it typically occurs with very low power designs due to high parasitic capacitance's and high node impedance'sand I tried to give a few hints to fix that. After fix is done there would be at least 15 degree phase margin and no ringing.
Ideally bode gain plot should be a straight line with no nearby bump up (at least minimally a decade away but farther away the better as long as design constraints/budget allows it)after passing the unity gain frequency (i.e. all high order poles and zeros ideally positioned at least a decade away of unity gain crossing, better if farther away)but this requires some design effort with today's very low power designs because high R and C at the nodes and requires some compromises.

I hope this clarify the misunderstanding.



AcoAco,are you a foreigner? If not, no intention to offend,why is your translation from English to Chinese so weird?

I realize many posts are pure Chinese and majority of forum people do not know English. I do not know Chinese, but I want to help, so I use Google to translate for those people who do not know English (Particularly to reply the ones who ask in Chinese). I also use Google to translate Chinese and translation is indeed funny but through some brain work I understand what translated context is meant.This method works so far with this forum though, since pop up windows contents are not translated by Google, I could not figure out how to attach files and do similar activities so I only write if I could give a useful good answer to othersrequests.

Could u pls recommend some analog design forums ?

I guess it is not allowed to post other forum names (normally all the forums prohibit such activity). I do not want to get into trouble with forum management. I am sorry.

what's your nationanity? are you a student ? I think you are a warm-hearted person,if necessary,we can have a further disscussion through communication tool such as QQ or MSN


all of you aregreat analogic IC designers . i hope you can share some typicalcircuitstructures or other proplems we alwayshave todeal. especiallygreen IC designers, just like me .thank you !

that is really a pleasure to communicate with a foreign designer here, and thanks for your help……by the way,I don't know much about the relationship between the "gain margin" and the stability of the opamp, could you recommend some references about that? thank you~


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