仿真hspice 这是什么错误?
Copyright (C) 2014 Synopsys, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Unpublished-rights reserved under US copyright laws.
This program is protected by law and is subject to the
terms and conditions of the license agreement from Synopsys.
Use of this program is your acceptance to be bound by the
license agreement. HSPICE is the trademark of Synopsys, Inc.
Input File: 1.sp
Command line options: -i 1.sp -o 1.lis
lic: No 'set SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILE or LM_LICENSE_FILE' in current environment'
lic: Unable to checkout (hspice)
lic: total license checkout elapse time:0.00(s)
Unpublished-rights reserved under US copyright laws.
This program is protected by law and is subject to the
terms and conditions of the license agreement from Synopsys.
Use of this program is your acceptance to be bound by the
license agreement. HSPICE is the trademark of Synopsys, Inc.
Input File: 1.sp
Command line options: -i 1.sp -o 1.lis
lic: No 'set SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILE or LM_LICENSE_FILE' in current environment'
lic: Unable to checkout (hspice)
lic: total license checkout elapse time:0.00(s)
沒設 license 環境
计算机右键,高级系统设置,环境变量,新建用户变量 LM_LICENSE_FILE,值填license地址
windows OS=> 计算机右键,高级系统设置,环境变量,新建用户变量 LM_LICENSE_FILE,值填license地址
linux OS
set lm_license_file= 27000@host
谢谢你的回复,我的电脑系统是win7 64位的,可是我现在的问题是没有找到license.dat的文件夹怎么办?对了我的hspice版本是2013.12 sp1 再次感谢。
use license keygen
eetop have this key