LNA matching network
小辈再做一个60GH的LNA,大概分三级实现指标,S21>15dB,S11,S22<-10dB,S12<-20dB.NF<8dB,IIP3>-15dBm,Power consumption <40mW. 目前,在做第一级电路,想用cascode 连接方式,这样隔离度比较好。两个nmos 管子间怎样连接,中间需不需要加原件,在cadence里有微带线和短截线怎样实现 输入端折中匹配(使噪声降低,也不至于Gain 太小)和输出端的共轭匹配。
Remember you are designing IC not PCB. I don't think transmission line effect is prominent even though the frequency is high as 60GHz. Pay more attention to all kinds of coupling.
As you say "pay more attention on coupling", How can I do it at first(or as the starting point)