How to make a device leaving the network
Use the NLME_LeaveReq() function.
For making a remote node to leave the network, the extAddr pointer of the NLME_LeaveReq_t parameter shall be assigned to the remote node 64 bit IEEE address. The address of a remote node can be retrieved during association process by processing the Device_annce message as shown in "#How to get the address of new devices joining the network".
For making the local node to leave the network, the extAddr pointer of the NLME_LeaveReq_t parameter shall be assigned as NULL.
最近遇到 一个终端设备 断网后 向 协调器 发 rejoin request, 但是协调器一直 对他 单播 Leave。。。
最后我把终端设备 断电重启 ,它发了orphan notification 后 收到coordinator realignment 之后就入网了。。
请问一下 协调器什么时候会发 leave ?(应用层 我没有leave 的操作!)