关于Many to one和source routing的疑问
现在使用的是Z-Stack home 1.2.2a. 这个版本有么有使能many to one 和souce routing 功能?如果有,在哪协议栈哪里可以看到,如果没有,该如何使能?谢谢
可以先了解下many to one 和source routing是什么东西
Many-to-one routing is a simple mechanism to allow an entire network to have a path to a central control or
monitoring device. Under normal table routing, the central device and the devices immediately surrounding it would
need routing table space to store a next hop for each device in the network, as well as an entry to the central
device itself. Given the memory limited devices often used in ZigBee networks, these large tables are undesirable.
Under many-to-one routing, the central device, known as a “concentrator,” sends a single route discovery that
established a single route table entry in all routers to provide the next hop to the central device. This yields a result
similar to that of table routing, but with a single many-to -one route request rather than many individual, one-to-one
route requests from each router towards the concentrator. All devices in the network then have a next hop path to the concentrator and only a single table entry is used. However, often the central device also needs to send messages back out into the network. This would result in a
more significant increase in route table size, particularly for those nodes closest to the concentrator, since they are
relay points in the concentrator’s many outbound routes to the rest of the network. Instead, incoming messages to
the concentrator first use a route record message to store the sequence of hops used along the route. The
concentrator then stores these next hop routes in reverse order as “source routes” in a locally held table known as
a “source route table”. Outgoing messages include this source route in the network header of the message. The
message is then routed using next hops from the network header instead of from the route table. This provides for
large scaleable networks without increasing the memory requirements of all devices. It should be noted that the
concentrator does require some additional memory if it is storing these source routes.
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